The Home for Persons with Disabilities Prijedor was established by the Decision of the Executive Council of the People’s Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1961, and based on the Decision of the People’s Committee entered in the register of self-funded institutions called Children’s Home Prijedor.

The home was housed in a building that housed blind and partially sighted people until the end of 1961. By harmonizing the normative acts of the Children’s Home with the Law on Social and Child Protection, the Decision of the District Commercial Court of Banja Luka in 1968, the name of the Home was changed to the Institute for the Protection of Male Children and Youth Prijedor. In 1973, the Institute was registered in the Commercial Court of Banja Luka as a working organization: the Institute for the Protection of Male Children and Youth Prijedor.

By the Decision on Amendments to the Decision on the Establishment of the House, Government of the Republika Srpska, No. 02-382 / 96 of May 3, 1996. The Home for Male Children and Youth with Developmental Disabilities in Prijedor was established in 2006, in the process of harmonizing the normative acts of the Institute with the Law on Institutions. The home also inherited the building in which the Institute was located within the residential complex.

During 2003, the building was upgraded, which increased the living space of the Home, which amounts to 4,340 m2. In 2013, the institution changed its name to the current one – PI Home for Persons with Disabilities Prijedor.

The activity of the Prijedor Home for Persons with Disabilities is the accommodation of male persons with impairments in intellectual functioning and mentally ill persons, which include a certain level of health care. The home also cares for persons who have completed treatment for addiction to alcohol, drugs and other intoxicants in socialized institutions, and who are in a state of social need. Permanent care, accommodation, primary health care and secondary health care, as well as physiotherapeutic treatment.

Accommodation prices:

  1. An adult with a disability 950 KM.
  2. A child with developmental disabilities (intellectual disabilities, multiple disabilities, physical disabilities) 1000 KM.
  3. Person with mental disorders and illnesses (pervasive developmental disorders with changes in behavior and reactions) 1600 KM.
  4. Minors and adult males from the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Brčko District 1280 KM.

It provides users with complete and permanent care (housing, nutrition, clothing, care, health care, cultural and entertainment activities in accordance with their needs, appropriate form of education, training and work, occupational therapy under special conditions in accordance with their capabilities). for work) and is intended exclusively for male users, of different age structures and disabilities.

The users of the Home are divided into 7 groups, classified according to the category of severity of disorders that are cared for by caregivers, medical and professional workers.

Health care for users includes:

  • primary (users registered in the family medicine teams of the local health center where dental care is included)
  • secondary (specialist-consultative examinations conducted by specialists in the capacity of external associates)
  • physiotherapeutic treatment (daily physical treatment, including sports activities and occupational therapy).

Since 2010, the Home has been cooperating with the Public Institution Center “Sunce”, where underage users of our institution are included in the curriculum adapted to children with intellectual disabilities. Classes are held in the premises of the Home.